Pop Art and Street Art
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“Outlawed”, a painting from the Sweet Home series by the artist M. Cohen. Artistic alchemy or how to transmute old works into desirable objects…
“Outlawed” is a square work by the artist M.Cohen.
M.Cohen began her Sweet Home series in the spring of 2020… reconsidering old works, she set about tearing them up to compose new works. Her approach perhaps responds to a collective and universal hope, in this period when there has been so much talk about the world after. Is it not the role of artists to show us the way?
As an individual, M. Cohen has known how to transmute old works into desirable objects: the canvas is no longer the support of a work: forgotten, torn and finally assembled and glued, it becomes the medium, the material, the colour of a new creation: “Outlawed”.
Discover the artist"Compassionate deity", a painting from the Sweet Home series by the artist M. Cohen. Artistic alchemy or how to transmute old works into desirable objects...
"Confidential" a work by the contemporary artist M.Cohen. How to reorganise chaos...
"Sweet Home - Interlude", artistic alchemy or how to transmute old works into desirable objects...